Wednesday, February 18, 2009


In my example, I will show how I bundle two 2 Mbps frame relay line to act as one 4 Mbps line.

We have to do below configuration on both sides.
1)We will make an ordinary frame relay configuration on serial interfaces except “frame-relay interface-dlci 16 ppp Virtual-Template1” line. Here we are adding Virtual-Template1. frame-relay traffic-shaping command is a MUST. (otherwise it will show an error.)
2)Under “interface Virtual-Template1“ we describe that it is a part of multilink interface
3)Under “interface Multilink1” we will configure IP settings.

interface Multilink1
ip address
no peer neighbor-route
ppp authentication chap
ppp multilink
ppp multilink group 1

interface Virtual-Template1
no ip address
ppp multilink
ppp multilink group 1 (To restrict a physical link to joining only a designated multilink-group interface. By default this command is disabled, which means the link can negotiate to join any bundle in the system.)

interface Serial1/0
no ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
serial restart-delay 0
no dce-terminal-timing-enable
frame-relay interface-dlci 302 ppp Virtual-Template1
interface Serial1/1
no ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
serial restart-delay 0
no dce-terminal-timing-enable
frame-relay interface-dlci 312 ppp Virtual-Template1

1. You can configure both bandwidth under multilink or virtual-template interface. If you only configure virtual-template, the multilink interface will automatically calculator the bandwidth based on how many links. Or if you configure bandwidth under multilink, then it will keep the bandwidth regardless how many links in the bundle.

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