Wednesday, June 24, 2009

BGP OSPF redistribution.

1. By default, BGP only redistribute ospf network type internal. To redistribute other type of ospf network, you need to add to the redistribution
redistribute ospf 1 ------ Only internal (intra and inter-area) routes
redistribute ospf 1 match external ---- Only external type 1 and 2 route
redistribute ospf 1 match internal external 2 --- only internal and external type 2
redistribute ospf 1 match nssa-external 1 ---- Only nssa-external type 1.

2. By default, iBGP redistribution into IGP is disabled.
Issue the bgp redistribute-internal command under router bgp process in order to enable redistribution of iBGP routes into IGP.

3. BGP and OSPF router-id
If BGP synchronization is enabled, there must be a match for the prefix in the IP routing table in order for an internal BGP (iBGP) path to be considered a valid path.

4. Link for tips. 911network.

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