Friday, June 05, 2009

Timer for different routing protocol

Both sides must match the hello and hold timer.
For fast hello which the hello intervla is lower than 1 second, the hello is carried as 0. So the hello multipler dose not need to be match.

Two sides will exchange the hold time. It does not need to be matched. The router will use the hold time learn from the neighbor as the hold timer.
Let's say you configure R1 hello=10 Hold=60. R2 with default hello=5, hold=15.
On R1 show ip eigrp neighbor, it will should hold time 15 for R2.
On R2 show ip eigrp neighbor, it will should hold time 60 for R1.

3. BGP
Two sides will exchange the hold time. But the difference between EIGRP and BGP is, BGP will choose the small one as the hold time for both side. And if hello time is not configure, it will calculator from hold time.

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